in the Fells – August
It may feel that summer is going by all too quickly, but not to worry, there is plenty of flowering time left. One of the most notable flowers of August in the Fells - noticeable by both its heavy scent and prominent spikes of white flowers - is Sweet Pepperbush, a very common shrub in damp areas.
This is when several members of the daisy family start blooming, the asters along the trails in the woods and, anywhere there’s a bit more sun, goldenrods, continuing well into the Fall. There are several different species of both growing in the Fells. The asters have open clusters of mauve or white daisy flowers with long rays and yellow or purple centers and a whole array of different leaf shapes amongst the different species. The goldenrods, in meadows and on hilltops have a tightly packed florescence of small bright yellow flowers with short rays. Actually one has white flowers and so is called Silverrod.
Certainly not a daisy, but not a fungus either,
is Indian Pipe which, after rain, will emerge ghost-like on the forest
A more flamboyant member of the daisy family that
can be found in certain damp locations is Joe
Pye Weed.
In even damper situations is the delicate and colorful Jewelweed. On a
stream-bank you might be lucky enough to see the dazzling Cardinal
Flower. In fact if you're prepared to go into swampy areas of the
Fells, or along the edges of ponds, August
is the time for many wetland plants to bloom, some showy like the
Cardinal Flower and many others small but delightful if you seek them
Sweet Pepperbush Clethra alnifolia Joe-Pye Weed Eupatorium
Flower Lobelia
With confidence that summer is not over yet,
blueberry will often bloom again towards the end of August, and some
manage a
few ripe berries in sunny hill-top locations by mid-October.